''' InsertRecord makes use of Web Service to insert a record.
''' The table to insert into.
''' The record data to insert.
''' Nothing, or the new of the inserted record.
Public Overrides Function InsertRecord(ByVal table As _
BaseClasses.Data.TableDefinition, ByVal recVal _
As BaseClasses.Data.RecordValue, ByVal columnsChanged() As Boolean) _
As BaseClasses.Data.KeyValue
Dim ${First Updatable Field} As String
Dim ${Second Updatable Field} As String
' Get the instance of data access class.
Dim my${Table Name} As ${${Table Name}ClassName}
my${Table Name} = ${${Table Name}ClassName}.Instance
Dim col As BaseColumn
For Each col In table.ColumnList
Dim index As Integer = table.ColumnList.IndexOf(col)
If (col.InternalName = my${Table Name}.${First Updatable Field}Column.InternalName) Then
${First Updatable Field} = col.ToDatabaseValue(recVal.ColumnValues(index)).ToString()
ElseIf (col.InternalName = my${Table Name}.${Second Updatable Field}Column.InternalName) Then
${Second Updatable Field} = col.ToDatabaseValue(recVal.ColumnValues(index)).ToString()
End If
' Set the values of additional columns
' If a column in database allows null values, then check for null values.
' Phone field in Shippers table allows null value. If the user does not enter any
' value for phone while adding a new record then you need to add additional condition here
' as shown below.
' ElseIf (col.InternalName = myShippers.PhoneColumn.InternalName) Then
' If (recVal.ColumnValues(index).IsEmptyString) Then
' Phone = ""
' Else
' Phone = col.ToDatabaseValue(recVal.ColumnValues(index)).ToString()
' End If
' End If
' Instantiate the object that will communicate with a web service.
' Replace MyWebServiceForTableAccess with your web service name.
Dim webService As New localhost.MyWebServiceForTableAccess
webService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
' Call the web service's "AddRecord" function.
Dim ${Primary Key} As Integer = _
webService.Add${${Table Name}RecordClassName}(${First Updatable Field}, _
${Second Updatable Field})
Dim retKeyValue As New KeyValue
retKeyValue.AddElement( _
my${Table Name}.${Primary Key}Column.InternalName, _
${Primary Key}.ToString())
Return retKeyValue
End Function