Iron Speed Designer automatically generates either Quick Selector or dropdown list control for a foreign key field. You can redirect a user
to a specific page based on the value selected in the dropdown list. For example, in the dropdown list, there
may be several values like value 1, value 2, value 3 and so on. If user selects value 1 in the dropdown list, the web application redirect the user to one page.
If the user selects value 2 the web application redirects to some other page.
This customization handles the selected index change event for the dropdown list control to perform redirection. Similar customization could be created for a Quick Selector control.
For a Web Application the customization will be added in:
..\<Application Name>\<Table Name>\Add<Table Name>.Controls.cs
For example: C:\MyApp1\Customers\AddCustomers.Controls.cs
For a Web Site the customization will be added in:
..\<Application Name>\App_Code\<Table Name>\Add<Table Name>.Controls.cs
For example: C:\MyApp1\App_Code\Customers\AddCustomers.Controls.cs