''' Click handler for Button uploads an attachment to a
''' new record in database.
Public Overrides Sub ${Upload Button Control}_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As EventArgs)
Dim inputFile As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile
inputFile = CType(CType(Me.Page, BaseApplicationPage).FindControlRecursively("inputFile"), System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile)
If (Not inputFile.PostedFile Is Nothing) And _
(inputFile.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0) Then
' Get the name of the file to be uploaded
Dim path As String = inputFile.PostedFile.FileName
Dim LastIndex As Integer = path.LastIndexOf("\")
Dim fileName As String = path.Substring(LastIndex + 1)
Dim intDocLen as Integer = inputFile.PostedFile.ContentLength
Dim docStream As System.IO.Stream = inputFile.PostedFile.InputStream
' if you are using Access DB, then contents have to be of OLE type
' if SQL server then contents have to be of image type
Dim contents(intDocLen) As Byte
docStream.Read(contents, 0, intDocLen)
'Create a new record.
Dim rec As ${${Table Name}RecordClassName} = New ${${Table Name}RecordClassName}
'Populate the new record with attachment and other information.
'Where ID is the primary key
'rec.ID = "5"
rec.${Attachment Field} = contents
rec.${Attachment filename} = fileName
'Save the new record.
Me.Page.Response.Write("The file has been uploaded to DB.")
Catch exc As Exception
Me.Page.Response.Write("Error: " & exc.Message)
End Try
Me.Page.Response.Write("Please select a file to upload.")
End If
End Sub