Iron Speed Designer V7.0.0 Release Notes

Issue Description
5202 The Formulas tab allows specifying sort order for dropdown list controls.
5496 You can now specify a SQL View as the source of the content of a FieldValue Dropdown control via the Formulas tab.
5504 The Formulas tab allows specifying sort order for dropdown list controls.
10069 The Formulas tab supports setting Initial value for FieldValue DropDownList controls.
11489 You can now read from and save into Session variables via formulas.
11802 The Formulas tab supports filtering a dropdown based upon another control.
11823 The Property Sheet provides properties of various ASP controls.
13651 Dropdown list filter controls now have customizable WHERE clauses via formulas.
13767 The Formulas tab allows specifying sort order for dropdown list controls.
14575 You can now read from and save into Session variables via formulas.
14760 You can now read from and save into Session variables via formulas.
80219 Text box columns size now stays and is not reverted back when database schema is scanned.
80291 Multiple dependent dropdown lists are now supported via formulas.
80307 Header controls no longer use HTML layout files.
80466 SQL Server stored procedures now include "SET NOCOUNT ON" after BEGIN and "SET NOCOUNT OFF" before END for procedures that do not need to return the count of records affected.
80741 The Formulas tab allows specifying sort order for dropdown list controls.
81433 Dropdown list boxes can now display any desired content via formulas.
82088 DIV tag styles have been moved into BaseClasses.css.
82231 You can now read from and save into Session variables via formulas.
82307 You can now read from and save into Session variables via formulas.
82593 Matched image width and height dimensions for button edges in style sheet classes.
82687 A Menu Wizard has been added for multi-level menus.
83127 The large list selector now functions properly when the view state is set to 'cache'.
83337 A new property, MaximumDynamicDisplayLevels = "100", has been added to multi-level menus.
83845 Added Dispose DirectoryEntry calls in all Active Directory related classes to fix a syncronization problem.
84277 Designer now reads the column-level collation for SQL Server to determine if a colum is case sensitive. If not case sensitive, conversions using UPPER in the generated SQL are no longer done.
84388 'Web Application for .NET' is now supported.
85522 After modifying headers or footers and then compiling your application, you will not experience the first compilation fails but the second compilation succeeds.
85612 Generated application stored procedures in SQL Server 2005 and later no longer use temporary tables.
85640 Code generated for AJAX pop-up fields now use the control name to identify the field instead of the column name, which could be duplicated in a record.
85748 Generated code now compiles properly when a database table has two fields with the same root name and one them has a “Field” or “FieldValue” suffix.
85756 Code changes made in the code tabs are now saved properly when clicking "Build", "Run", or "Refresh".
85771 Users can now copy and paste button controls with fewer restrictions.
85821 Designer no longer adds references for entity framework to the web.config file. This eliminates any load errors on Windows systems which do not have those .dll files installed.
85823 Applications no longer crash on postback because focus is no longer set to the FCKEditor control.
85827 Fixed enter key capture code generation for ASPX pages, so range filters now display without wrapping.
85848 Calling your own stored procedure as per the code customization examples now properly closes the database connection after running the stored procedure.
85857 JavaScript calls for buttons now work property when set in the Property Sheet.
85861 You can now specify the display text for buttons correctly using the Property Sheet.
85862 Code changes made in the code tabs are now saved properly when clicking "Build", "Run", or "Refresh".
85869 Search and Edit page now functions properly.
85885 Generated application code documentation now contains C# specific code.
85886 Sign In status bar salutation ("Hello user") is now properly aligned in the Chrome browser.
85887 Iron Speed Designer no longer crashes when right-clicking close to the bottom of the layout editor after copying merged merged cells.
85907 Applications now open correctly If the folder name of the start page is the same as the application name.
85911 Correct comments are now generated for the CreateWhereClause method for filter controls.
85921 The Custom Large List selector example in the online help has been updated.
85928 You can now specify the display text for buttons correctly using the Property Sheet.
85956 Documentation for the "Encrypting Passwords Before Saving to the Database" code customization has been updated to show correct code.
85976 Fixed save data code generation problem on Edit Table pages so that child panel rows can retrieve the primary key from the parent panel before saving.
86009 Virtual Foreign Keys are no longer lost when sychronizing the database with the application.
86018 Dragging pre-bound listbox filter controls onto the page above a table are now properly added to the Design mode spreadsheet.
86022 The "Customizing application authentication behavior" Code Customization Wizard example has been updated.
86023 The maximum length for string columns was expanded to handle the maximum varchar size of MySQL.
86031 The bread crumb trail now displays properly with larger font sizes.
86038 After browsing a file on Configuration Wizard for third party controls, the generated code will have correct file path.
86039 HierachyID data types are now treated as binary fields.
86040 The "Dynamically Set Start Page Based on Logged In User ID" Code Customization Wizard example has been updated.
86042 Auto type-ahead no longer displays a double quote at the end of the match result if the match result starts with "...".
86065 On generated ASPX pages, extra new line characters and indentation is no longer added between an open tag and text.
86074 The Start Transaction method is now called properly by the LoadData_Base method.
86116 All file types are now correctly prompted when overwriting if source code control is enabled.
86131 Focus is now set by default to the first focusable element on a page. Focus is now set to newly added rows in Edit Table pages.
86135 No extra new line or space characters are generated when Iron Speed Designer writes ASPX files using the Cell Editor contents.
86158 The corresponding resource files (RESX) are now removed after unselecting langauges from the Application Wizard's Languages step.
86193 The "Filter Dropdown/Listbox Content" code customization has been replaced by the Formula tab.
86222 VIPRE Anti-Virus Program has now white-listed MySql_dll.exe .
86287 When querying MySQL schemas, Iron Speed Designer now automatically converts table and field names to lower case when the 'lower_case_table_names' variable in MySQL is set to 1 or 2.
86296 Iron Speed Designer no longer assignes an ID row attribute when inserting new rows into the layout spreadsheet.
86421 Iron Speed Designer now displays appropriate notification when users unselect tables from a custom query.
86444 Duplicated controls no longer appear in the Properties dialog.
86517 Removed CreateWhereClause method generation for SearchFilter controls.
86593 Literal controls now wrap when set to allow wrapping and preserve as many spaces as were set originally.
86598 Save data code generation for editable child panels in Edit Table pages now retrieve the primary key from the parent panel before saving.
86619 Applications now retain the selected language after signing out.
86653 The Application Wizard now remembers its size and location and uses that size when it is re-opened.
86654 The Source Control System now ignores .svn folders and .scc files.
86655 Handling tinyint field values in MySQL now tolerates cases where the field is used as a true/false boolean value.
86743 Fixed documentation error in "Customizing Page Contents with the Cell Editor".
86783 ing database schemas, changes to pages containing "quick add" link buttons now handle changes to foreign key fields and will not cause compile errors.
86849 The generated code now uses an appropriate casting for all data types including GUIDs.
86902 When creating a Virtual Foreign Key, the owner of the referenced parent table is now set correctly inside the key rather than copying the owner of the foreign key table.
86919 Updated code so it could be copied from data access layer to presentation layer.
86931 Sorting on Hierarchy ID fields in SQL Server now works properly; they are now treated as binay rather than string.
86940 Web application projects are now identified as the correct type, either vb or cs.

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